About:Destination Living
Posts by Destination Living :

Where to start your design journey
Social Media Forums The increased popularity of sites like Houzz and Pinterest offer a plethora of visual images. Sites such as these are incredibly addictive and hours of looking on these sites, turns into weeks which can turn into months of laboriously trawling through the minefield of visual information that is so readily available at […]
How to play with colour in your interiors
DARK COLOURS ADVANCE Using dark colours in your interior design will do several things. Firstly dark colours can help walls or a ceiling advance in a space. Using a dark colours such as navy or charcoal on walls will close in a space and make the walls actually appear to be closer to you. This […]
Home designs for downsizers
With our downsizer clients typically configurations that we create are below 1. Develop their existing block with a dual occupancy – keeping one & selling or renting the other/s 2. A dual occupancy with an existing residence at the front & build new at the back 3. A single residence knock down rebuild for intergenerational […]
How To Properly Plan And Design Your Robe
How much space do I need? When planning your robe it’s important to first look at the spatial parameters you have. If you are building a new home, then this is the ideal situation! Ideally your robe will be in close proximity to your bedroom and your ensuite. Both you and your partner will already […]
How To Make An Entrance
The entrance to a home sets the stage for what lies beyond its doors. It is a glimpse into the world within, a reflection of the homeowner’s style and taste. In this article, we delve into the different types of entrances that leave a lasting impression on visitors. From the modern grandeur of expansive glazing […]
Feng Shui Basics For Home Design
Clear the clutter Essentially this important step is about clearing out unnecessary items from your home, and keeping only items that you really love and need. This fresh start will help unblock any stagnant or negative energy in your home and help balance and harmonize your home almost immediately. Breath in Light and Air Allowing […]
How to maximise light in narrow block homes
When we think of getting light into a house our first thoughts are of windows and skylights. When working with a narrow block that may have numerous constraints, making it more challenging to build than usual, we need to get creative. So we have put together some ideas to help illuminate your narrow homes. Related: […]
Renovating your home; where to start and how much will it cost?
When it comes time to creating your plans it is critical to keep in mind what you are ultimately trying to achieve. More space for the family, bring in more light, update the interior. Whatever it is you are wanting it is important to create a list of priorities and keep focused on the end […]
How much will it cost to knock down rebuild your home
designing & building my home?” & “How much will it cost to design & build my home?” Preparation and research is critical to do before you go out to the market to see what is available. Drawing up a list of “must haves”, “would like to haves” and even “don’t wants” is critical as these […]